Spring – Summer 2016

Presentation of Hero's Companion at a holiday festival at the Kyiv-Rus park.
August 2016. Chervonograd, Lviv region.
Charitable camp of the Ukrainian Youth Association for internally displaced children and children of soldiers.
August 2016. Chervonograd, Lviv region.
Charitable camp of the Ukrainian Youth Association for internally displaced children and children of soldiers.
August 2016. Chervonograd, Lviv region.
Charitable camp of the Ukrainian Youth Association for internally displaced children and children of soldiers.
August 2016. Chervonograd, Lviv region.
Charitable camp of the Ukrainian Youth Association for internally displaced children and children of soldiers.
August 2016. Chervonograd, Lviv region.
Charitable camp of the Ukrainian Youth Association for internally displaced children and children of soldiers.
August 2016. Chervonograd, Lviv region.
Charitable camp of the Ukrainian Youth Association for internally displaced children and children of soldiers.
June 2016. Odesa.
A project presentation and therapy dog testing.
June 2016. Odesa.
A project presentation and therapy dog testing.
June 4, 2016. Inclusivity Festival "Boundless".
Hero's Companion had an opportunity to let special needs children interact with the dogs and learn about the different roles dogs can be trained for.
June 4, 2016. Inclusivity Festival "Boundless".
Hero's Companion had an opportunity to let special needs children interact with the dogs and learn about the different roles dogs can be trained for.
June 4, 2016. Inclusivity Festival "Boundless".
Hero's Companion had an opportunity to let special needs children interact with the dogs and learn about the different roles dogs can be trained for.
June 4, 2016. Inclusivity Festival "Boundless".
Hero's Companion had an opportunity to let special needs children interact with the dogs and learn about the different roles dogs can be trained for.
June 4, 2016. Inclusivity Festival "Boundless".
Hero's Companion had an opportunity to let special needs children interact with the dogs and learn about the different roles dogs can be trained for.
June 4, 2016. Inclusivity Festival "Boundless".
Hero's Companion had an opportunity to let special needs children interact with the dogs and learn about the different roles dogs can be trained for.
June 4, 2016. Inclusivity Festival "Boundless".
Hero's Companion had an opportunity to let special needs children interact with the dogs and learn about the different roles dogs can be trained for.
March 4, 2016. Novepecherska School in Kyiv
Hero's Companion visited with the grade 3 & 4 classes of Novepecherska School to talk about our program and let them see for themselves how therapy and service dogs work.
March 4, 2016. Novepecherska School in Kyiv
Hero's Companion visited with the grade 3 & 4 classes of Novepecherska School to talk about our program and let them see for themselves how therapy and service dogs work.
March 4, 2016. Novepecherska School in Kyiv
Learning how to correctly approach an unknown dog.
March 4, 2016. Novepecherska School in Kyiv
March 4, 2016. Novepecherska School in Kyiv
Hero's Companion visited with the grade 3 & 4 classes of Novepecherska School to talk about our program and let them see for themselves how therapy and service dogs work.
March 4, 2016. Novepecherska School in Kyiv
Hero's Companion visited with the grade 3 & 4 classes of Novepecherska School to talk about our program and let them see for themselves how therapy and service dogs work.

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